Sunday, April 5, 2009

Big Tink or Little Frog

Sometimes you just have to wonder...

I had knit all of the edge rows on the Civil War shawl and was doing a final count of stitches to make sure everything was copesetic when I saw one big mess. Dang! How did I do that? More to the point, how did I not realize I'd done that?

Sure as heck didn't want to frog a dozen rows to fix a localized problem like that.

One of the things that Susan had taught in the shawl knitting class was backtracking and repair. I'd already done some of it before her lesson, so it wasn't entirely new material, but it's always good to have necessary skills reinforced.

Here goes...

Unraveled the offending stitches. Good grief, look at all those loose strands. I'm not going into the details. Don't want the air to turn blue with the required colorful language. Suffice it to show...

Tah-dah! It ain't perfect, but I think it will look okay once it's blocked.


Iron Needles said...

Oooooh! Magic! I want a magic wand like you have...

Wunx~ said...

But would you give WonderfulGuy a heart attack with the necessary blue incantations? (I waited until the Engineer was asleep.)

P.S. Magic Wand is 2 dpn's a size smaller than original needle.

KC said...

I am so impressed! That was straight out of David Copperfield....pure magic. Congratulations on the finished product. Sister should love it :D